TESA ASSA ABLOY adds its support to Earth Day

International Earth Day is a great opportunity to promote the importance of caring for our planet and of giving something back to the community and the local environment.

That’s why TESA ASSA ABLOY encourages all its stakeholders, including employees, customers and suppliers, and society in general to do something, either on a small or large scale, to help restore the earth.

TESA ASSA ABLOY places great importance on developing and implementing projects and processes to reduce the environmental impact of its activity, analysing and choosing the least aggressive alternatives for each process. These projects include achievements such as ensuring that 100% of our electricity consumption comes from renewable sources, in addition to reducing the use of electricity by 11% and natural gas by 7%. The company has also reduced the generation of hazardous waste by 39%, non-hazardous waste by 8%, the use of solvents by 83% and of chemical products by 11%.

In addition, the national leader in locking and access control solutions proposes a series of actions that anyone can carry out in their day-to-day life to reduce their environmental footprint:

  • Turn off electrical and electronic equipment when not in use. 
  • Put into practice the model of sustainable fashion and donate clothes that are no longer used. 
  • Buy local food, thus reducing the distance from the farm/field to the table. 
  • Buy directly from local producers. 
  • Have a meat-free day once a week to reduce your carbon footprint. 
  • Recycle packaging and containers. 
  • Eliminate all plastic as far as possible in your daily life. 
  • Have a shower that doesn’t last as long. 
  • If possible, use the car less. 
  • If you have a garden, grow edible plants in it.

Find out more about our commitment to sustainability

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